Banjara Kasuti, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Lambani women of the Banjara community, has launched a new collection titled “मृदु” (Mrdu). The name, derived from Sanskrit, signifies softness and smoothness, perfectly capturing the essence of this collection.
Designed for both day and evening wear, “मृदु” features a variety of pieces crafted from handloom cotton and khadi—traditional fabrics known for their comfort and sustainability. The collection’s color palette includes soothing shades of blue, grey, lavender, white, pink, black, and red, offering versatile options for different occasions.
A highlight of the collection is the Lambani Kasuti embroidery, characterized by intricate detailing with mirrors and shells. These traditional embellishments are further enhanced by patchwork and panelling, adding texture and visual appeal to the garments and accessories.
The “मृदु” collection includes a range of clothing options such as Kurtis, maxi dresses, trousers, and jackets, catering to diverse styles and preferences. It also extends to home decor items like cushion covers, wall hangings, and table runners, as well as accessories including tote bags, slings, and purses.
With “मृदु,” Banjara Kasuti continues to celebrate the skills and cultural heritage of the Lambani women, offering products that seamlessly blend traditional craftsmanship with everyday functionality.